They can be either single player or multiplayer. Usually there i a weapon held out in front of the player that is used to target other players or enemies. In a shooter the player must have a very fast reaction time.Many first person games are sometimes called 'shooters' because the primary goal of the game is to shoot other players or creatures, but this is not always the case. They typically have a gun or other weapon held out in front, but this is not always the case. First person games are played from the perspective of the player.They focus more on logistics and production than on combat, and can at times feature complex battlefield tactics. Tactical games are a subgenre of strategy games that focus more on operational warfare, military style tactics, and troop placement.SAS: Secure Tomorrow includes the following genres of gameplay. SAS: Secure Tomorrow is City Interactive's Tactical, First-Person, and Shooter game released in 2008. Septem(Last Updated: August 17, 2021) | Reading Time: 2 minutes